
Kunst: Building your sex-esteem

geschreven door 28 september 2021
kunst bedmanieren LILO

‘Spicy and feminine art’, dat is wat kunstenaar LILO maakt. Zij laat zich inspireren door filosofie, psychologie, en emotionele en erotische intelligentie. Haar werk zal regelmatig te bewonderen zijn op Bedmanieren.nl. In deze reeks plaatsen we steeds één van haar gedichten en kunstwerken.

A lot of sex-therapists and educators say,
The brain is the largest sex organ in the body
Many people give their power away
when it comes to being turned on sexually

“I want my partner to turn me on” as a belief;
that what another person looks like, does or says
has more power than the thoughts & feelings
produced by your own brain
if you’re Being disconnected from your body it does not help to wait
for your boyfriend or husband to make you feel differently

no one has more power to turn you on than your own brain
Don’t let anybody tell you that you’re not sexual,
broken, dysfunctional or not good enough,
especially not your own thoughts!

Take responsibility for your sexuality,
start Building your sex-esteem
it is not about trying to meet some ideal of “sexy”
it’s about owning your own sexiness,
Know your desires, know your body,
And how to communicate comfortably
know who you are as a sexual being.
and not being afraid or ashamed of it.
being free to embrace your authentic self fully

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